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In software engineering, the singleton pattern is a software design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. This is useful when exactly one object is needed to coordinate actions across the system.(在软件工程中,singleton模式是一种软件设计模式,它将类的实例化限制为一个对象。当只需要一个对象来协调整个系统的动作时,这很有用)
public class Singleton{ private static Singleton instance; private Singleton (){} public static Singleton getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new Singleton(); } return instance; } }
以上面巫师们的象牙塔为例子/** * Thread-safe Singleton class. The instance is lazily initialized and thus needs synchronization * mechanism. * * Note: if created by reflection then a singleton will not be created but multiple options in the * same classloader */public final class ThreadSafeLazyLoadedIvoryTower { private static ThreadSafeLazyLoadedIvoryTower instance; private ThreadSafeLazyLoadedIvoryTower() { // protect against instantiation via reflection if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Already initialized."); } } /** * The instance gets created only when it is called for first time. Lazy-loading */ public static synchronized ThreadSafeLazyLoadedIvoryTower getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new ThreadSafeLazyLoadedIvoryTower(); } return instance; }}
这种方式具备很好的 lazy loading,能够在多线程中很好的工作,但是由于加了同步锁,效率很低,99%情况下不需要同步。对于getInstance()的性能要求不是很高的应用程序可以考虑使用(该方法使用不频繁)
3、双检锁/双重校验锁(DCL,即 double-checked locking)
public final class ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLocking { private static volatile ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLocking instance; /** * private constructor to prevent client from instantiating. */ private ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLocking() { // to prevent instantiating by Reflection call if (instance != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Already initialized."); } } /** * Public accessor. * * @return an instance of the class. */ public static ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLocking getInstance() { // local variable increases performance by 25 percent // Joshua Bloch "Effective Java, Second Edition", p. 283-284 ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLocking result = instance; // Check if singleton instance is initialized. If it is initialized then we can return the instance. if (result == null) { // It is not initialized but we cannot be sure because some other thread might have initialized it // in the meanwhile. So to make sure we need to lock on an object to get mutual exclusion. synchronized (ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLocking.class) { // Again assign the instance to local variable to check if it was initialized by some other thread // while current thread was blocked to enter the locked zone. If it was initialized then we can // return the previously created instance just like the previous null check. result = instance; if (result == null) { // The instance is still not initialized so we can safely (no other thread can enter this zone) // create an instance and make it our singleton instance. instance = result = new ThreadSafeDoubleCheckLocking(); } } } return result; }}
** * Singleton class. Eagerly initialized static instance guarantees thread safety. */public final class IvoryTower { /** * Private constructor so nobody can instantiate the class. */ private IvoryTower() {} /** * Static to class instance of the class. */ private static final IvoryTower INSTANCE = new IvoryTower(); /** * To be called by user to obtain instance of the class. * * @return instance of the singleton. */ public static IvoryTower getInstance() { return INSTANCE; }}
基于classloader机制避免了多线程的同步问题,不过由于IvoryTower类在装载时就已经实例化了,显然没有达到lazy loading的效果。
对静态域使用延迟初始化,应使用这种方式而不是双检锁方式。这种方式适用于静态域的情况,双检锁方式可在实例域需要延迟初始化时使用。public final class InitializingOnDemandHolderIdiom { /** * Private constructor. */ private InitializingOnDemandHolderIdiom() {} /** * @return Singleton instance */ public static InitializingOnDemandHolderIdiom getInstance() { return HelperHolder.INSTANCE; } /** * Provides the lazy-loaded Singleton instance. */ private static class HelperHolder { private static final InitializingOnDemandHolderIdiom INSTANCE = new InitializingOnDemandHolderIdiom(); }}
这种方式同样利用了 classloader 机制来保证初始化 instance 时只有一个线程,它跟第 4 种方式不同的是:第 4种方式只要 IvoryTower 类被装载了,那么 instance 就会被实例化(没有达到 lazy loading 效果),而这种方式是 InitializingOnDemandHolderIdiom 类被装载了,instance 不一定被初始化。因为 HelperHolder 类没有被主动使用,只有通过显式调用 getInstance 方法时,才会显式装载 HelperHolder 类,从而实例化 instance。想象一下,如果实例化 instance 很消耗资源,所以我们想让它延迟加载,这种方式相比第 4 种方式就显得更合理。
Joshua Bloch, Effective Java 2nd Edition p.18 中提出了使用枚举类来实现单例模式,书中指出这是最好的一种方式来实现单例。
A single-element enum type is the best way to implement a singleton
/** * Enum based singleton implementation. Effective Java 2nd Edition (Joshua Bloch) p. 18 * * This implementation is thread safe, however adding any other method and its thread safety * is developers responsibility. */public enum EnumIvoryTower { INSTANCE; public void whateverMethod() { // .... do something } @Override public String toString() { return getDeclaringClass().getCanonicalName() + "@" + hashCode(); }}
EnumIvoryTower enumIvoryTower1 = EnumIvoryTower.INSTANCE;EnumIvoryTower enumIvoryTower2 = EnumIvoryTower.INSTANCE;assertEquals(enumIvoryTower1, enumIvoryTower2); // true
总结一下:一般情况下,方式1和2不建议使用,在明确不需要实现lazy loading的时候可以优先选择方式4.在需要lazy loading的时候,可以选择方式3和5。如果还涉及到反序列化创建对象时可以使用最佳方式6
1、在内存里只有一个实例,减少了内存的开销,尤其是频繁的创建和销毁实例(比如管理学院首页页面缓存)。 2、避免对资源的多重占用(比如写文件操作)。缺点:
1、没有接口,不能继承,一个类应该只关心内部逻辑,而不关心外面怎么样来实例化。 2、通过控制自己的创建和生命周期,违反了单一责任原则SRP(Single Responsibility Principle) 3、创建紧密耦合的代码,单例模式的客户端变得难以测试单例模式的使用在Java应用中是非常普遍的,Spring 管理bean 实例默认配置就是单例模式。
下一章节我将介绍建造者模式(Builder Pattern)
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